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The Oneness Experience Weekend 2023 Recap!

Writer: Roosevelt & Renita QuickRoosevelt & Renita Quick

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

Recently, one of my FB friends asked, "Where are the Christian marriage conferences that don’t just focus on making sure wives “submit and respect” or making sure husbands “date their wives" or “prime the pump for intimacy.”

I concluded that she was looking specifically for a conference that would:

  • Usher in an atmosphere where the Lord’s presence overflows and saturates the hearts of couples in life-altering moments.

  • Launch from a place of wholeness, authority and power in Christ which would then propel couples to spiritual levels exceeding current expectations.

  • Challenge and empower couples to focus on advancing the kingdom in their homes, in the marketplace, and in their communities as they fulfill their God-ordained assignments.

She concluded her post with, "Would love to attend!"

I told her "That is exactly what we enjoyed a few weeks ago in North Carolina at The Oneness Experience Weekend! We experienced powerful praise and worship, foot washing, ministry sessions lead by couples who taught about experiencing oneness spiritually through prayer, worship and serving together; successfully operating together in business and ministry; and experiencing physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and sexual intimacy as God intended! The culmination occurred as couples renewed their covenant vows, gathered in small groups to pray and prophesy God’s blessing over one another under the power of the Holy Spirit!”

I concluded my response with, “It was a life changing experience! God greatly exceed all expectations as the atmosphere was set for His presence to move in the lives of the 19 couples who attended.”

Her final reply was, "Wow!"

Click the link to watch the highlight video, The Oneness Experience Highlights.

It’s a humbling experience when you realize that God has tapped you on the shoulder and asks you to partner with Him to impact and alter people’s lives forever. You don’t always understand what your “yes” means until you are in too far to turn back.

Our heart’s desire for The Oneness Experience Weekend 2023 was that couples would authentically and tangibly experience oneness with one another as God intended. Our theme, Oneness as God Intended: Spirit, Soul and Body served as a glimpse of the Father’s purpose in the garden. In the absence of guilt, accusation and competition and while naked and unashamed, Adam and Eve could fulfill the mandate to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion. The assignment for Roosevelt and I was to help foster an environment where the Holy Spirit could minister to couples in a powerful way.

While a true experience of oneness was our desire for the couples who attended, Roosevelt and I had to prepare by coming into agreement with one another and more importantly becoming one in our thoughts, plans and desires with the Father. It was for us, oneness in service as Jesus modeled when he said, “I only do what the Father says do and I only say what the Father says.”

We spent weeks and weeks in preparation, listening to the Lord's voice, receiving His instructions, followed by meeting with our ministry team, some of whom we had never met in person. This helped us to become one in our assignment of ministering in both song and word to the couples. The following is a testimony from one of the attending couples:

“We’ve been married for less than 2 years. Some would say we are still newlyweds, but it doesn’t feel like it. Since marriage, we have dealt with death, sickness, and mental and physical attacks. Our honeymoon was over quickly and sometimes life felt like a battlefield. We know marriage will not be easy and that we need Jesus, the word of God, and a community of God-fearing married couples whom we can learn from. We believe that God gave us the opportunity to attend The Oneness Experience Weekend and we are truly grateful. From the first day to the last, we were challenged as a couple and individually. The topics covered during the weekend and how each speaker presented the subjects were amazing. Each couple was so transparent and truthful about the subject they taught. They didn’t just speak from what they learned from books, but from what they learned from living out their marriage. We loved that the weekend didn’t feel like another religious event. We are truly thankful to Roosevelt and Renita for hosting The Oneness Experience Weekend.”

Plans are underway for 2024 and we’re looking forward to hosting new couples so mark your calendars for February 16 – 18, 2024. Early registration will begin in October and space will be limited.

As we look back on The Oneness Experience Weekend 2023 we can only describe it as one that was “God's doing, and it was marvelous in our eyes." It is such a privilege to walk in our call that makes a mark in the Kingdom that cannot and will not be erased!


The Power of Agreement uses scriptural references, biblical examples, the Quick's personal stories, and testimonials from family and friends describing how working in agreement produces powerful results. Order your copy today!

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